Category: photographyPage 3 of 11

The Printmakers Art

Yesterday I revisited The Printmakers Art | Rembrandt to Rego. Taking more time to view some of the works and having greater space to do so (less crowds…


In an attempt to remove myself from social media…

Under the Bridge

Journey to… Mount Robson

Journey to… Abbotsford

Abbotsford was the home of Walter Scott the writer and Sheriff Depute of Selkirk nearby. Abbotsford is a pleasant walk from Tweedbank station ~1.5 miles.


There is something very satisfying about coating plates!

Victorian Sensation Essay

Now that the MOOC has ended and the marks are in… Miss Helen [Ellen] Murray, albumen print from a wet collodion negative by Dr John Adamson, 1850s T.1942.1.1.162…

Journey to… Cote d’Azur

Journey to … Helsingør

On the north-east coast of Zealand in eastern Denmark lies Helsingør. The name is derived from the word hals meaning “neck” or “narrow strait”, referring to the narrowest…