Month: June 2014Page 2 of 2

Barnaby Barford

An individual exhibition at Dovecot Studios until the 19th of July, Barnaby Barford has subverted the staid porcelain figurine and contorted it to show the most base and…

Cyanotype Experiments – Coating

We were encouraged to try different ways of using the cyanotype solution to coat the paper. A fluid brushstroke – A dry brush ‘splodged’ onto the paper –…

Journey to… Chalmers Memorial Church, Port Seton

Chalmers Memorial Church was constructed in 1904/5 and still retains most of the original features.

Poster Art of Modern China

Running from 6th June to 12th July 2014 across two floors of Adam House, Poster Art of Modern China displays 133 posters prints from between 1913 and 1997….

Cyanotype Experiments – Perth shopfront and oiled paper negatives.

Experimenting with oiled paper negatives and cyanotypes. The first couple of weeks of the Stills Alternative Processes class with Brittonie Fletcher covered the cyanotype. My previous experiments with…

Journey to… Elcho Castle

Elcho Castle is a 16th-century tower house, built around the time of the Protestant Reformation in 1560 by the family Wemyss of that Ilk. From the roof a…