Lee Miller and Picasso is on at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery until the 6th September 2015.
Lee Miller first met Picasso in the summer of 1937 at Hotel Vaste Horizon where she was staying with Roland Penrose. In the ensuing years she photographed the Spanish artist more than 1,000 times and he in turn, painted her portrait six times. Lee Miller and Picasso features over 100 photographs by Miller, a painting and drawing by Picasso, and reveals the love and experiences of their long-lasting friendship.
In an interesting, but rather limiting, exhibition, Miller’s photographs of Picasso’s circle of friends and family can be seen, selected from over 1000 of the group. The photo’s show Picasso’s childlike curiosity with the world but only touch briefly on Miller’s ability to interpret the world through her camera. The Herald review sums it up nicely.
Don’t miss the talk by Dr Patricia Allmer “Cutting Up Picasso – Cubism and Lee Miller’s Collage” on Tuesday, 18th August 2015, 12.45-1.30pm which will delve deeper into Miller’s interpretation of the milieu.